
Showing items 1 to 10 of 10

Newcastle MP visits Keele biologists

Paul Farrelly, Labour MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme, visited the School of Life Sciences today to meet researchers working on cancer and and the tropical diseases malaria and leishmaniasis.

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Campaigners launch fight to save Keele post office

A campaign is under way to save a popular post office at Keele University which is facing closure under controversial plans which would downgrade the services provided and reclassify it as a ‘local’ branch.

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Olympic Medallist opens Staffordshire School Games at Keele

Olympic bronze medal gymnast Beth Tweddle opened the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent School Games on Friday in front of 1,200 young athletes at Keele University.

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Cameron fails to rule out rate rise on university loans

David Cameron failed today to rule out increased interest rates on previous graduate loans, as the Government moves towards privatising the student loan book.

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Golf centre rescued after pressure by Newcastle’s MP

Newcastle Council has taken back control of Keele’s popular golf course after a campaign led by club members and supported by the town’s Labour MP Paul Farrelly.

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MP welcomes improved safety for ‘slingshot roundabout’

A busy roundabout used every day as a school route by dozens of Newcastle children is to undergo major safety work following a campaign led by residents and supported by the town’s Labour MP Paul Farrelly.

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MP demands safety measures at new roundabout

Newcastle MP Paul Farrelly has called for a pedestrian crossing to be installed at a newly constructed roundabout to address local concerns over child safety.

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Newcastle MP pledges to oppose lifting cap on tuition fees

Newcastle-under-Lyme’s MP Paul Farrelly has renewed his pledge to oppose any increase in university tuition fees - and called on students and their families to demand to know if any candidate at the next general election would be prepared break their ‘party whip’ over the issue on a future vote in Parliament.

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MPs sound warning over student fees

Labour MPs today fired a warning shot over higher levels of student tuition fees and debt, as the government embarks on a review of university finances.

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MP supports campaign to cap students’ tuition fees

University students at Keele have won the support of MP Paul Farrelly in their campaign to block a further increase in tuition fees.

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